Friday, April 21, 2006

furry things that fit in the palm of your hand

Woke up in a vaguely negative mood this morning. It's gray outside, and damp. I'm tired. The blog was on my mind all day yesterday. Well, that, and Travian which I just started this week. (It's an empire-building game, and I am officially a Big Geek).

I know I'm not the first to write this, but, what the F is blogging all about. I mean, really. It's journaling (I just used a noun as a verb. Smack me.), with the narcissist plus that someone might read it, and think your ideas and the way you express them are Cool (and worth reading?). I suppose you have to have some sort of Mission when writing a blog. Otherwise, you just fade out of it realizing that probably nobody will think your ideas are either Cool (or worth reading?), and that actually you are negating all Coolness by seeking it out. Better to wear a one-of-a-kind hand-tooled leather bracelet, or pop Nine Inch Nails in the CD player while you're washing dishes. Just an idea.

I don't have a Mission, yet. My interests are diverse and disconnected (Well, they are all connected to me, so...). I guess I just need an outlet for pesky thoughts, since I'm living in Rome, and it's a long way from home (and, where have I seen that before?). I do have a few friends out there who will check this out, probably. I salute you now: Hallooooo!!!

Anyway, Ima gonna do a run-down of stuff that is jumping around in my head today (with Links!!):

  • Travian. I am Rini Village (Rini means Little Bunny in Japanese..more on Little Bunnies later). I shall prosper and conquer and disseminate my Bunny race in all the land. (I guess...God am I a Big Geek, or what?)

  • AS Roma, dammit!!! Now that I've mentioned Totti, who is a God, I should mention another player who is effing Inspiring on the field. Phillipe Mexes. French, blonde, impenetrable in defense, strength of character, yeah, he's got it. And here he is.

  • Big White soundtrack. Intend to download the songs today for my boyfriend's Dad. (Just one of those thoughtful things I do without being asked. Generous and Humble, that's me.) Funny little movie, Fargo-like in mood, with Robin Williams, Giovanni Ribisi, Holly Hunter and Woody Harrelson doing their usual things (sweet, tense, quirky and psychopathic, respectively). Had never heard of it - and I read a lot of articles on cinema - so was quite pleased to be quite pleased with it.

  • Doctor appointment today. I hate going to the doctor, and it's worse in Italy. In fact, the reason I have to go today demonstrates one of the reasons that this country drives me crazy. I had gone about a month ago to get one specific test done (€ 100). I went back two weeks later (the amount of time the lab requires, apparently, to perform the analysis) to get my result (€ 2,50 to view it), and I noticed that they had failed to do the one analysis I had requested. Asked the doctor. She said she had specified my problem, and they should have checked for it, but she would confirm with the lab. Lab closed. Called back the following week, and a nurse told me I would have to return to the clinic because they had not done the requested analysis (another € 30 to be paid for new test). It will be another couple of weeks before I have the new results, and then I may have to go back again to get a prescription, as they can't just call it in to the nearest pharmacy. Moral of the Story: Do not get sick in Italy.

  • TGIF. Going the the casale (country house) in Maremma country (on the border of Lazio and Tuscany) this weekend. The cats will be happy. I plan to play a lot of Ping Pong, work on the blog, and build up my Tiny Bunny empire. Nice life, huh?

Happy weekend everyone!

(Asia and Ulisse - my two sources of Unconditional Love)


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