Monday, June 19, 2006

Sock Her

Andie Soccer Eyes
Originally uploaded by goodcop.
Is it possible too watch too many soccer games..? But, I can't stoooop!!!!

is it any wonder?

Really not happy about the fact that I can't seem to upload pics, and am forced to blog them from Flickr. Must speak with the Management.

Haven't updated this blog in awhile, though some interesting things of note have happened:

My little brother Dominic and his wife just had a baby - this makes the 4th or 5th nephew I've accumulated. The earth continues its inevitable rotation without me.

A few words about the World Cup, and specifically about the Italy-USA (1-1) game played this past Saturday: Despite Zaccardo's tragic auto-goal (he should not be playing on the National team in my opinion - put Oddo, an undoubtedly better player, in there), the Italian team was in fine form. Even if the American's had another 90 minutes at their disposal, I don't think they'd have scored against the Italians. As for De Rossi's regrettable error - full disclosure: he is one of my favorite players - he seems to be extremely upset about the incident. It would be best for the Italian team if he was able to play in the Quarter Finals, but it's not looking good. There are some echoes of Arena's unhappiness with the referee's decisions. I don't see why, as he was equally harsh in the first half with both teams..and strangely lenient in the second half. In any case, it was one of the strangest games I've seen, and a big disappointment. The only thing that made up for it was the amazing match between Ghana and the Czech Republic (2-0). I almost don't know who to root for when Ghana meets up with the US on June 22nd.

Trying to get out of my rut lately...started taking Pilates lessons, quit some nasty habits, taking care of some things that I've been putting off lately, and reconsidering my 1 1/2 year relationship with my boyfriend. It is said that if you take care of the things that are bothering you externally, you will take care of what's bothering you internally. I'm hoping it works, but I have a feeling that I am ignoring some very important issues that I'm afraid to deal with, namely my separation from my family, old friends, language and culture, and my semi-dependence on a person who is either not willing, or not able, to offer me a reliable subsititute. Change is scary. Sometimes you need a trauma-induced epiphany to effect it in your life. I'm afraid both of waiting for this trauma, and of confronting my problems, just to maintain the status quo, just to avoid change. It's a bummer. But, I guess you don't need to be an American in Rome to run into obstacles, problems, disappointments and unhappiness.

In music: I downloaded some Shortwave Set songs, and they are my new favorites. Also have been listening to a lot of Mogwai, as it seems to suit my current mood, and the weather. Nothing else new...

Well, other than constant soccer games, horribly humid and ugly weather, high heels in paving stones, too much pizza and coca cola, and sore muscles, not much else to report. 'Til next time. XO

Friday, June 16, 2006

Ulisse - Pescia Romana - May 2006

Ulisse - Pescia Romana - May 2006
Originally uploaded by goodcop.
E che Gatto!!!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

photo upload problems

Have not been able to upload my photos into the blog..Had to blog them from the Flickr site. See below. These are the latest and the nicest.

Was at the country house this past weekend, but the weather left a lot to be desired: gusty winds, clouds and low temps for the whole weekend.

Since we were, therefore, IN for 3 days, I made some yummy lunches. Sunday we had barbecue chicken with a peachy glaze, potato salad and roasted asparagus. Wanted to make a nice panna cotta, but forgot to get the gelatin. My major obstacle in the kitchen is often my lack of precision in the Grocery List phase.

Ulisse (see pic, below) is in heat and has been hounding (in a matter of speaking) Asia, trying to mount her, and attempting to woo her through song (wwwaaaaoooooowwww). It's funny, and, at the same time, disturbing. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow morning. Bye-bye baby makers.

Speaking of babies, I had a dream last night that I had a baby girl. She was all dressed in pink with a bonnet and I was kissing her cheek, which was so soft, I couldn't stop myself. When I woke up, I thought for a moment that I must really want a baby, or that maybe there would be one in my near future. But, now that I examine the event more deeply, I think I was just influenced by the episode of Desperate Housewives that I saw last night, in which Gabby finally meets her new adopted baby (girl, and swaddled in pink, if I remember correctly). I imagine that dreams carry less portent when they look like prime-time. Then again...

Asia Gian Maria - May, 2006

Asia Gian Maria - May, 2006
Originally uploaded by goodcop.

Andrea - May, 2006

Andrea - May, 2006
Originally uploaded by goodcop.

Ulisse - May, 2006

Ulisse - May, 2006
Originally uploaded by goodcop.

Lea - Rome - May 06

Lea - Rome - May 06
Originally uploaded by goodcop.