Have not been able to upload my photos into the blog..Had to blog them from the
Flickr site. See below. These are the latest and the nicest.
Was at the country house this past weekend, but the weather left a lot to be desired: gusty winds, clouds and low temps for the whole weekend.
Since we were, therefore, IN for 3 days, I made some yummy lunches. Sunday we had barbecue chicken with a peachy glaze, potato salad and roasted asparagus. Wanted to make a nice panna cotta, but forgot to get the gelatin. My major obstacle in the kitchen is often my lack of precision in the Grocery List phase.
Ulisse (see pic, below) is in heat and has been hounding (in a matter of speaking) Asia, trying to mount her, and attempting to woo her through song (wwwaaaaoooooowwww). It's funny, and, at the same time, disturbing. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow morning. Bye-bye baby makers.
Speaking of babies, I had a dream last night that I had a baby girl. She was all dressed in pink with a bonnet and I was kissing her cheek, which was so soft, I couldn't stop myself. When I woke up, I thought for a moment that I must really want a baby, or that maybe there would be one in my near future. But, now that I examine the event more deeply, I think I was just influenced by the episode of Desperate Housewives that I saw last night, in which Gabby finally meets her new adopted baby (girl, and swaddled in pink, if I remember correctly). I imagine that dreams carry less portent when they look like prime-time. Then again...