Tuesday, July 04, 2006

LAX - no arrivals, no departures

I've been lax in my blogging duties...possibly the heat, which is making me torpid. Even if no one checks up on me here, I feel like this is a good way to organize a bit some of the confusion of ideas, plans, preoccupations in my head, So....

Lots. With the camera, I've been trying out some different ways of looking at my cat and my boyfriend (that's not supposed to be funny, but I guess it is). They are my most frequent subjects, because they are always around, and quite sedentary. I'd like to take candid portraits of people I see on the street, but I think I may be to shy to approach people. It's a shame.

Gian Maria has been talking about ways to make money, which is only right, considering we are both intelligent people, and we would both prefer to leave our no-future jobs. He wants to do an online multiplayer interactive game, possibly like Risk, or possibly a soccer manager type game, like Hattrick. I know nothing about these things, but I know he could do it, and since he is constantly working on other people's sites, better to invest one's energy to benefit oneself (I always say). We've also talked about renting motorcycles and/or organizing trips based on motorcycle travel. I'm a little unsure of the insurance issue..could be prohibitive.

We just spent a nice long weekend at the Casale in Pescia Romana. It was extremely and uncomfortably hot, Africa hot (to borrow a phrase from Matthew Broderick in Biloxi Blues) and the air was thick with flying insects. Twice I had to flick large bugs from behind Gian Maria's ear. But other than those discomforts, it was incredibly relaxing. Like any large city, Rome can be quite suffocating and stressful, but here there are fewer places and ways to remove yourself from the multiple annoyances. Less air-conditioned comfort, less stuff to do (unless you're really into museums, classical music, or pathetic discos with really gorgeous people dancing badly to this year's tormentoni (hit songs), and the one place where everyone goes to escape - the beach - is expensive, overcrowded and dirty. At least the Sales are coming up.

On July 15th, we are leaving for Castelrotto (in Northern Italy, almost at the Austrian border). It's Heidi country, and the Italians speak German as their first language. It's quite clean and relaxing, and I'm looking forward to it, as I had a lot of fun last year. Oh, did I mention the Rome team will be there for their annual summer training? They practice in this little field up in the mountains, and there are only about 50-100 fans hanging around watching. It's definitely a chill little scene, especially if you have gone soccer crazy, like I have.

I'm so homesick. Even after 4 years here. It seems to hit me hardest in the summertime, maybe because I have more happy memories from the summer. For some reason I miss Berkeley and the Bay Area the most, even though I haven't lived there in 9 years. Point Reyes, wine country, San Francisco, that huge produce market, what's it called the Berkeley Barn or something. Sure, the pedagogues can get to you, but those big Tudor-style houses with their amazing overgrown gardens, jasmine-scented streets. Can't wait to go back home.


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