all the news that fits and man bites dog..and all that
Have been wanting to get back here to report, but screw it if I haven't been quite busy this week. People lookin' for mouse-inhabited, furnished with granma's baroque knock-offs, the toilet dont flush and we ain't gonna fix it, Internet? Ha! apartments. Though our client's don't say that when they call, we have a feeling that's what they're gonna get. Not the Agency's fault, though...all the over-priced apartments in Rome's Historic Center can be tied to that heavy string of adjectives; and the decently-priced ones (if you can find 'em) are worse. My sister and I got lucky with our apartment, which we found at a good price before the hated Euro. It's a 4th floor walk-up, with no living room, and a chronic nasty tube smell, but it's sunny, it's cheap, and the owner stays out of our way. That's why we won't give it up, no, not by the hair of our chinny chin chins, not without a fighty fight fight...
Can I say I love my new camera? I love love love it. Here are my latest pictures: Imagination...ON!
This week I've got a particular hankering to surf the Internet. These are the latest sites I'm liking, no loving, well, liking a lot, and we'll see if it lasts:
Urban Dead: I've already confessed in these pages my Big Dorkhood. I'm Out, and that's Fine. So, I'm not ashamed to admit that I'm very hooked on the Travian game, but I'm starting to ask myself existential questions, and thats not fun. Travian is one of those Empire Building thingies, and I don't know if I've got it in me to start conquering villages. Plus, I find it difficult to get medieval on Italians. They are such nice people, especially the children and geeks that populate Travian. So, I've started on this Urban Dead game, but may drop it..I have 'n' amount of conscious hours in the day, and I've decided that only about 4 of them should be spent in virtual worlds, whether that be surfing, playing, or communicating with others in the confines of cyberspace.
Adobe Photoshop: Since I bought the camera, I've had to admit that my Photoshop skills are pretty sad. But, I am a smart cookie, so I have been searching for good tutorials online. These are my favorites: About. Planet Photoshop. Photoshop Cafè. Now I know how to turn an oversized blueprint into a A4 document while keeping it scale. I can give photos an antique look. And, I know how to create a collage. Pretty amazing, yes?
And, then there's my expensive and frustrating dabbling in the Culinary Arts: I'm sure there's a reason I'm so into it. I usually tell people that I enjoy cooking, because I like to follow clearly-detailed steps to a final and excellent result that I can claim as my own. For the same reason, I like to assemble IKEA products. The caveat to this statement is that the final result is NOT always excellent. Problems of quality of the materials, you see, and, also, my chronic impatience. But, I keep chugging ahead, and I think I have made progress over the years. In any case, my favorite sites are: Epicurious, The Omniverse of Our Lady and Mistress Martha Stewart (may she rule through the Ages), E-Gullet, and America's Test Kitchen. My hobby is especially difficult in Rome, because I can't find the more exotic (or especially American) ingredients. For instance: Sour Cream is available at only one shop I know of in Rome - in the Prati quarter, far, far away for a girl without wheels. Serendipitously, I used to be able to find it also at the grocery store below my apartment (big Russian population in my neighborhood), but they were ordering it from the Ukraine, and it seems there was some boycott, which has apparently been continuing for the last 6 months. So, I'm not holding my breath. Cilantro, not so important you think, until you don't have it. I'm trying to grow it in the strip of earth outside my boyfriend's house. Waiting to see. And, really, any dried or fresh herbs other than Oregano, Sage and Rosemary. I get it though, Italian cooking is real simple. And, really xenophobic. Anyway...I made a lovely meal last night for my Hungry Man. Especially rich hamburgers (the secret? butter!) and a salad of chopped grilled veggies, which was so, so good, and that I will definitely make it again as it is yummy and summery and actually contains vitamins. Recipes, here.
Oh! Speaking of Her Wholesomeness, Martha Stewart, she's got a new magazine, Blueprint, which I checked out. But, it seems to be mostly just ads for products. Not that all magazines aren't that, but it's more like a catalogue of neat things to buy with Websites! where you can order the stuff, no mess, no muss, no bother.
A Big Sloppy Kiss to Everyone! From Ulisse (isn't he a Dish!). Here, you have to imagine my stripy kitty looking quite sexy as he stares directly into your eyes, with an orange wall as a backdrop and a bamboo lampshade for that touch of the exotic..aaah...